Nonhealing, or chronic wounds, are
complex wounds that do not progress through the usual phases of healing. This
can be caused by intrinsic or extrinsic influences and all age groups or
patient types from the healthy to those with multiple comorbidities can be
affected. It is not uncommon for NPs to evaluate and treat chronic wounds
regardless of their practice specialty. Having a basic understanding of the
skin, the phases of acute wound healing, and knowing when to refer to a
wound-care clinic are all part of comprehensive patient care.
of wounds
Wound healing is a complex and
dynamic process of restoring cellular structures and tissue layers. There are two types of wounds: acute and chronic. Acute
wounds are either traumatic or surgical and move through the healing process at
a predictable rate from insult to closure. Chronic wounds do not progress
through the predictable stages of wound healing.
The type of wound repair is
classified as either primary, secondary, or tertiary intention. In primary
intention, the wound edges are approximated and held together with staples,
sutures, or some form of adhesive tape. Healing occurs with epithelialization
and connective tissue attachments,
usually without complications.
Secondary intention is the treatment
of choice for dirty surgical wounds, trauma, or wounds resulting from chronic
disease. The wound edges are not approximated and healing occurs with
granulation tissue, contraction of the wound edges, and epithelialization. In
large wounds, granulation tissue is the only tissue reassembled by the body.
Muscle, tendons, and ligaments do not regenerate.
In tertiary intention, the wound is
left open for an amount of time determined by the surgeon, usually to
decontaminate the wound base and restart the granulation process. Granulation
is allowed to continue to a given depth, and then the wound edges are
A chronic wound is a wound that has
not resolved over a reasonable period of time no matter the cause.Changes occur within the molecular environment of a chronic
wound that are not conducive to healing, such as high levels of inflammatory
cytokines, proteases, and low levels of growth factors.These changes terminate
the healing process and increase the potential for septic infections.
Addressing the issues that might be responsible for the physiological wound
changes may restart healing.
All chronic wounds begin as acute
wounds The most common chronic wounds are
lower extremity ulcers. Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) accounts for 80% to
90% of lower extremity ulcers and affects 2% to 5% of the population. The cost
of treating CVI ulcers alone is estimated at 1 billion dollars/year in the
United States. Other types of nonhealing wounds are surgical, diabetic,
arterial, burns, dermatitis, vasculitis, and radiation. With the increase in
new cases of diabetes, treatment of neuropathic and pressure ulcers are likely
to increase proportionately.
Chronic wounds are encountered in
every specialty and the occurrence of nonhealing wounds will continue to rise
as the population ages, people continue to live longer with chronic diseases,
and the nutritional needs of the body are not met. Approximately 2 to 3 million
people suffer from chronic wounds in the United States.
The skin is the largest organ of the
body and is continually adapting to meet the needs of an ever-changing external
environment. It is a protective barrier from the outside world, and maintains a
homeostatic internal environment.
The skin consumes about one-third of the body's blood supply and is the first
organ to lose that blood supply when the body is in crisis.
Normal skin is elastic, lubricated,
and has a pH of approximately 4 to 6.8.
The pH of the skin is acidic due to the sebum secreted by sebaceous glands onto
the skin surface.Sebum contains antimicrobial properties and, along with the
acid pH, inhibits the growth of microorganisms.
Langerhans cells, antigen presenting
cells, are part of the immune system of the skin preventing microorganism
invasion (see Langerhans cells). Other cells involved in the skin's
immune system can be found in the dermal layer. Macrophages ingest bacteria and
mast cells are involved in the inflammatory process caused by the injury.
Keeping the skin intact is essential to protect the rest of the body from
microbial invasion.
As the skin ages, or with chronic
disease, some of the protective properties are lost or diminished. There is a
reduction in sebum production and the skin becomes dryer and less elastic.
Dryness leads to small cracks in the skin, which will support bacterial
invasion. Combined with a chronic disease such as vascular disorders or
diabetes, reduction in blood flow to the skin will occur, directly impacting
wound healing.
Aging skin is more susceptible to
damage due to thinning and increased friability. Other issues are a decrease in
the inflammatory response, cell senescence, decrease in cytokines and growth
factor production, and a reduction in receptor sites
Understanding the phases of wound
healing will assist the practitioner with evaluating where and when the healing
stopped and what might have contributed to the wound stalling. The healing
cascade starts with the injury or insult and progresses toward complete
closure. The phases of acute wound healing are the inflammatory phase, the
proliferative phase, and the remodeling phase.
Inflammatory phase
There are two parts to this phase
starting from the initial injury and progressing toward the formation of the
clot. Clot formation is a crucial step within the inflammatory phase because
the clot itself brings cytokines (polypeptide regulators) to the site of
injury. Another important chemical released
by the clot is platelet-derived growth factor, which influences cellular growth
and development.The formation and degradation of the clot are important aspects
of the inflammatory phase.
begins when the injury occurs and lasts only a few hours.The injury creates a vascular response to try to control the
bleeding. The exposure of the epithelium of the blood vessels triggers platelet
aggregation which generates a temporary barrier to bacteria and controls the
bleeding. Vasoconstriction, thromboplastin production and clot formation are
the major components of hemostasis.
After the
bleeding has been controlled the body focuses on cleaning up the debris
generated by the healing process. This phase starts with vasodilation causing
the leakage of plasma, neutrophils, and other cytokines into the tissue
surrounding the injury site.
Usually what will be noted clinically is edema, induration and heat in the
periwound skin. This is part of the wound-healing process and does not, alone,
signify infection. The practitioner should evaluate lab tests such as a white
blood cell count and quantitative wound culture to evaluate for infection.
mediators of this phase are nitric oxide, neutrophils, and macrophages.
Macrophages are responsible for the release of growth factors, enzymes that
stimulate angiogenesis, fibroblasts, and the process of connective tissue
synthesis.This is the phase of healing where
most chronic wounds stop progressing.
proliferative phase usually lasts 2 days to 3 weeks and can be broken down into
two phases. The first phase is the foundation of the wound base with
granulation tissue. Remember muscle, tendon, fascia cannot regenerate. All the
body can produce to fill in the wound base is granulation tissue. Granulation
will only begin after the dead tissue has been removed from the wound base.
release fibroblasts to create the foundation of the wound base after the debris
has been removed.
Fibroblasts build the foundation or framework to construct the wound base.
Angiocytes create the blood supply to stimulate angiogenesis. The macrophage
release many physiologic activators and messengers to stimulate connective
tissue formation. The end product of this process is the wound base framework
to support the granulation tissue. The major mediators for this phase are the
macrophage and the vascular endothelial growth factor responsible for
After the
wound base is completely filled with granulation tissue, the wound edges are
stimulated to start epithelialization. The process is similar to the freezing
of a pond in winter. Epithelialization starts from the outside edges and
progresses toward the center. Keratinocytes start the process of migration across
the wound base leading to eventual closure of the wound.
Remodeling phase
After the
wound is closed, the body continues to heal the wound. The remodeling phase
lasts anywhere from 6 months to 2 to 3 years depending on the patient's health.
During this time, the body's cytokines change the wound matrix and strengthen
the collagen support structure.This
process increases the strength of the scar, known as tensile strength. The
highest tensile strength that can be restored is 80% of the original strength
of the tissue. Before the completion of this phase the wound is vulnerable to
reinjury. (See Cellular view of acute wound healing).
There are
many reasons for a wound to stall during the healing process (see Pathologic
process of chronic wounds). Some factors are unusual and related to the
individual such as autoimmune diseases. There are a few factors that cross all
age barriers and when understood will help the practitioner with the screening
process for impaired wound healing. Aging, as mentioned before, has an impact
on healing. A few of those changes are; decrease in blood supply to the skin,
alteration in collagen formation, flattening of the basement membrane, and a
slower inflammatory response. The elderly seem to have a higher percentage of
chronic illnesses that may lead to polypharmacy.
perfusion influences oxygen transport. Decreased oxygen availability will have
an impact on collagen formation, angiogenesis and epithelialization. Neutrophil and macrophage microorganism ingestion consumes
an increased amount of oxygen. Impaired perfusion and decreased tissue
oxygenation increases the patient's risk of infection.
nutrition is key to continued wound healing. Malnutrition leads to decreased
collagen production, impaired fibroblast production, and impaired angiogenesis. Poor eating habits lead to decreased available protein
needed for wound repair. Bacteria, usually Gram-negative, in higher
concentrations compete with granulation tissue for the nutrients available in
the wound bed and their byproducts are toxic.
The age of
the wound, in other words how long the wound has been open, also affects
healing. As mentioned earlier, "old" wounds seem to have
"old" cells that lose the ability to proliferate. The problem is not
limited to the elderly. Underlying chronic disease, such as diabetes, can
affect the wound chemistry.
have been implicated in the impaired healing process. An increase in the
production of cortisol and vasoconstriction can impair wound healing.Early research findings have shown a correlation between
decreased wound healing and psychological stressors, pain, and noise.Further
research on how stressors influence wound healing is needed.
bioburden is the number of bacteria, on the wound base. Chronic wounds are
contaminated and the degree of contamination will have an effect on the rate of
healing. In other words, the higher the quantity of the bioburden the slower
the healing rate.
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